3D Painter Prototype Ver 1.02 for Max 6.0

3D Painter Prototype Ver 1.02 for Max 5.0

Source Code

This is charityware software. If you find this useful please donate an amount that you feel appropriate to your favorite charity.  This is very early prototype software so beware.

Known bugs


1.02 fixes the Vertex Painter so it not uses the vertex colors that are passed into it versus clearing them.


There is a load crasher, if you encounter this remove the plugin and reload the file.  So your best bet is to create your bitmap and then remove the texture once you are done.

It only supports Mapping Channel 1


This is a 3d Painter that lets you paint into a bitmap or vertex colors.  The bitmap painter is implemented as a material while the vertex painter is implemented as modifier.  Other than that they both have the same painter tools and behave the same way.



This is rollup only applies to the 3d Painter Prototype material, and lets you chose what bitmap you are going to paint on.


View will bring up your current bitmap you are painting on, into a VFB.

Save will save your current bitmap, normally the bitmap is saved when the UI is brought down for some reason.

Manual Update when checked the VFB will only be updated with the Update button.

Update will force the VFB to be updated.






Paint this will let you start painting on the selected object.  If you have not selected a bitmap yet, a dialog will prompt you for a bitmap resolution and a bitmap name.


this brings up the paint options dialog.


Color this is the color that the stroke will use when you are painting and the stroke type is set to No Gradient


Ink Type determines how the stroke is inked.  There are 4 options.

No Stroke will fill the stroke with the current color.

U Gradient will fill the stroke with a gradient outward from the path of the stroke using the texture from the Pick Gradient button. V Gradient will fill the stroke with a gradient along the path of the stroke using the texture from the Pick Gradient button

U/V Gradient will do a blend of both U and V(broken).


Pick Gradient button lets you use a texture for the U, V and U/V Gradient Stroke Type.


Stroke Type lets the user determine how the stroke is drawn.

Pen lets the user draw freeform across the mesh.

Line lets the user draw a straight line from the start to the end of the stroke.

Rectangle creates a rectangle from the start to the end of the stroke

Circle creates a circle centered on the start stroke out to the end stroke.


Sample Rate determines how many times the stroke is sampled, lower values will produce a more jagged stroke, while a higher sample will produce a smoother stroke but be slower.


Fill will fill the entire bitmap with the current color.


Ink Spline  lets you use a spline as a stroke.  The spline is projected in your current active view onto the mesh..


Pick Spline lets you pick a spline to be inked.


Apply will stroke the spline you picked.






Experimental Options


OverScan – when you paint normally you paint inside the triangles of the polygon, this lets you paint a little beyond the triangle border to help when a bitmap is sampled.


Gradient Examples


Create a Plane that is 200x200

Turn on Generate Mapping Coords

Apply a Standard Material to the Plane and put the 3dPainterPrototype texture into the diffuse channel

Use the Pick Gradient button and select a Gradient texture.

Set the gradient ramp colors to Yellow, Red, and Blue and turn the W value to 90.

The reason that you have to rotate the Gradient 90 degrees is because the painter samples in the U direction.

Go back to the 3dPainterPrototype texture and hit the Paint button, set the Resolution to 512 and then pick a bitmap to paint on.

Hit the Paint button again.

Bring up the Painter Options and set your Max Size to 25.0


Set the Ink type U Gradient and paint a stroke from left to right

Notice that the gradient fillouts from the stroke.



Set the Ink type V Gradient and paint a stroke from left to right

Notice that the gradient fillouts along the stroke.



Set your Color to Black and fill the texture to clear the bitmap out.

Now your Color to Red and set the Ink type to No Gradient and bring up the Painter Options dialog (…)


Turn on the Predefined Str. Pressure and bring its graph up.  Make the graph look like the one below.



Paint a stroke from left to right.  Notice that the stroke fades in and out at the beginning and the end because the graph is to control the strength of the brush along the stroke.


Now turn off the Predefined Str. Pressure and turn on Predefined Size Pressure and set it to the same graph shape as you did the Str.  Now paint a stroke from left to right.  Notice the size of the stroke tapers off at the beginning and end because the graph is controlling the brush size.




Note this utility has not been fully tested in a production enviroment so use at your own risk. If you encounter any problems please contact me at Peter Watje